Patients Health Blog

Healthy Eating for the Holidays - Marathon Health

Written by Marathon Health | Dec 11, 2011 5:00:00 AM

How do you maintain your healthy eating habits during a family feast? How can you make sure that the turkey is the only one stuffed during the holiday season? These tips can help you make healthy food choices and limit tempting, high-calorie foods during the holidays and other special occasions.

  • Choose Low-Calorie and Healthy Festive Foods. Baked cheeses and creamy dips are calorie bombs yet many party foods are naturally low in calories. Reach for the veggies tray, lean deli meats, chicken kebabs, salsa, shrimp cocktail, and fruit.
  • Walk Away from the Table. Why do all parties end up in the kitchen? When at the buffet table, take a look at all your options first and then choose your top 3-4 items. Once you have taken these items, step away from the table!
  • Treat yourself to healthy holiday options such as replacing dark turkey with white turkey meat, rice instead of stuffing, carrots instead of yams, etc.
  • Don’t arrive on an empty stomach by avoiding breakfast or lunch.
  • Avoid excess alcohol and snacks.
  • Drink Up! Before eating, drink eight ounces of water to quench your thirst and fill up your stomach. Limit your alcoholic beverages as those add empty calories.
  • Select small portions and eat slowly
  • Follow the Three Bite Rule. Studies have shown that after the third bite, your taste buds don’t register the flavors as sharply, so unless it’s amazing, it’s not worth the calories!
  • Enjoy physical activities such as brisk walks with your loved ones during the holiday season!